
Where Do You Put Your Intervention In A Soap Note

Documentation is never the principal draw of a helping profession, but progress notes are essential to great patient care. Past providing a helpful template for therapists and healthcare providers, SOAP notes can reduce admin time while improving communication betwixt all parties involved in a patient's care.

In a few sections, we'll give a articulate overview of how therapy SOAP notes are written, along with helpful templates and software you lot tin use to streamline the process fifty-fifty farther. If you're looking for a more efficient, concise way to document your telehealth sessions, this helpful guide volition be of value.

Before yous begin, we call up yous'll dearest our $1, i-month trial of Quenza, our specialized composite intendance software for therapists.

Quenza is especially designed to assist you take your practise online, and will requite you all the tools and features you demand to create articulate, professional SOAP notes efficiently – so you can spend less time creating documents, and more time helping others attain their wellbeing goals.

How To Write Therapy SOAP Notes

Therapy Soap notes follow a distinct structure that allows medical and mental health professionals to organize their progress notes precisely.[1]

As standardized documentation guidelines, they help practitioners assess, diagnose, and care for clients using information from their observations and interactions.

Importantly, therapy Soap notes include vital information on a patient's wellness condition. This data can be shared with other stakeholders involved in their wellbeing for a more than informed, collaborative approach to their care, as shown:

Quenza SOAP Note Example Physical Therapy Software
HIPAA-compliant therapy software will store and share SOAP notes in a secure, private way to protect practitioners and patients. (Pictured: Quenza)

It'south critical to remember that digital SOAP notes must be shared securely and privately, using a HIPAA-compliant teletherapy platform. Here, we used Quenza.

The S.O.A.P Acronym

SOAP is an acronym for the 4 sections, or headings, that each progress notation contains:

  1. Subjective: Where a client'due south subjective experiences, feelings, or perspectives are recorded. This might include subjective information from a patient's guardian or someone else involved in their care.
  2. Objective: For a more complete overview of a client's health or mental status, Objective information must also be recorded. This department records substantive data, such as facts and details from the therapy session.
  3. Assessment: Practitioners use their clinical reasoning to record information here about a patient's diagnosis or health status. A detailed Assessment department should integrate "subjective" and "objective" data in a professional person interpretation of all the evidence thus far, and
  4. Plan: Where future actions are outlined. This section relates to a patient's treatment plan and any amendments that might be fabricated to it.

A well-completed SOAP annotation is a useful reference point within a patient's health record. Like BIRP notes, the SOAP format itself is a useful checklist for clinicians while documenting a patient's therapeutic progress.[2]

In the side by side section, you'll notice an even more than in-depth template for SOAP notes that can be used in a wide range of therapeutic sectors.

Therapy SOAP notes include vital information on a client'south health status; this can be shared with other stakeholders for more than informed, collaborative patient care.

3 Helpful Templates and Formats

With a solid grasp of the SOAP acronym, you as a practitioner can improve the informative ability of your Progress Notes, as well as the speed with which you write them.

This generally translates into more one-on-i patient time, reduced misunderstandings, and improved wellness outcomes overall – then the table below should be useful.

SOAP Notes: A Step-Past-Step Guide

Podder and colleagues requite a keen overview of the different subsections that a Soap progress note tin can include. Based on their extensive article, we've created the following example that you can apply every bit guidance in your work.[one]



E.yard. Patient observations, opinions, experiences

Subjective data from stakeholders and patients create a context for the Assessment and Plan sections that follow.  Example subsections include:
  • Main or Primary Complaint, due east.g. their condition, symptoms, or historical diagnoses
  • History of Present Illness, often further structured into onset, location, elapsing, characterization, alleviating and aggravating factors, radiation, temporal factors, and severity (OLDCARTS)
  • Patient History, including medical, surgical, family unit, and social factors
  • Review of Symptoms, which includes pertinent questions about potentially unmentioned symptoms, and
  • Allergies and Current Medications.


E.g. Exam results, Experience Sampling Data

Wherever any tests or factual information are collected, they should be recorded along with subjective information for a more thorough analysis of the client's status.


E.g. Mental health weather, medical diseases

An integrated analysis of the combined objective and subjective data to offering a diagnosis. Where an existing status is a reason for a mental health programme, it will relate to changes in status.
  • Diagnosis/Problem: Due east.yard. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Repetitive Strain Injury, etc.
  • Differential Diagnosis: If applicative, other potential diagnoses are noted along with the practitioner's rationale for suggesting them.


E.g. CBT, exercise programs, mental health coaching

A detailed description of whatever further actions that demand to follow from the therapy, e.g.:
  • Farther, complementary, or alternative mental wellness solutions
  • Medication prescribed
  • Psychoeducation
  • Testing

Occupational Therapy Soap Notes

In Occupational Therapy, a Soap Progress Note might include the patient'due south injuries and their severity, home exercises, and their effectiveness.

Based on observations and interaction with their customer, an OT professional person might adjust their treatment program appropriately.[three]

Laid out in the Southward, O, A, P format on therapy notes software, they might expect like this:

SOAP Note Example Quenza
Therapy notes software like Quenza allows practitioners to include boosted fields into their Lather notes, using elevate-and-drop features such as costless-text fields. (Click for PDF)

Digital SOAP note tools similar Quenza, which nosotros've used here, volition automatically create PDF copies for download, sharing, or HIPAA-compliant storage in a centralized place.

SOAP Note Template HIPAA
Today, therapist apps like Quenza permit practitioners to create and store practice documents from any connected device.

Because Lather notes are best created while a session is still fresh in their minds, therapists might look for mobile-compatible software. This fashion, notes can be made on the spot from a tablet or smartphone.

Practical Behavior Analysis SOAP Notes

SOAP notes besides play a valuable function in Practical Behavior Assay, past allowing professionals to organize sessions better and communicate with a client's other medical professionals. Legally, they may also accompany insurance claims to testify the service beingness provided.[4]

It is of import to remember that ABA SOAP notes, every bit psychotherapeutic documents, must exist stored privately. They may form part of a client's overall medical file other therapy notes.



This section details where the session took place, who was present, and their reports of the client's beliefs.

E.k. The client appeared tired during today'south domicile visit. George reported a decrease in unnecessary handwashing behavior from 5x daily to 3x. His caregiver reports he has begun talking loudly in his slumber and seems more agitated during the solar day.


Objective data such every bit frequencies, accuracies, and duration of specific behaviors are outlined here, using relevant frameworks (e.g. Ancestor, Behavior, Consequences).

I.e. Increased anxiety-related symptoms as measured past Subjective Distress Scale, cleaning chair for 10 minutes earlier sitting


Assessment notes should include evaluations of the current program'due south efficacy, describing particular strategies and targets.

E.g. Further increase Cerebral Restructure exercises to positively reinforce desired behavior.


This section describes whatever amendments that will be fabricated to the client'southward treatment plan

E.g. Increment home ABA visits from 2x weekly to 3x weekly. Teach Mindfulness Meditation module to George over 4 days.

These illustrative Occupational Therapy Soap Notes and ABA Soap Notes also exemplify how versatile SOAP notes can be.[five]

It'due south why the framework is a commonly used standard in sectors such as Physical Therapy, Nursing, Rehabilitation, Spoken language Therapy, and more.

5 Examples of Constructive Note-Taking

Many therapy software systems help to speed up the documentation of progress notes through in-built templates and diagnostic codes. At the end of the twenty-four hour period, however, clinically valuable notes require careful thought and judgment when it comes to their content.

Constructive notes are mostly:[3] [vi]

  1. Written immediately following a therapy session. This mode, a practitioner'south in-session time is spent focused on patient appointment and care; writing notes immediately later helps minimize common mistakes such every bit forgetting details or recall bias.
  2. Professional person. An important office of patient Electronic Wellness Records, SOAP notes should exist legible and make use of professional jargon to serve as a common frame of reference. They should be written in the present tense.
  3. Concise and specific. Overly wordy progress notes unnecessarily complicate the controlling process for other practitioners involved in a patient's care. Brief, but pertinent information helps other providers reach conclusions more efficiently.
  4. Unbiased: In the Subjective section, particularly, there is little need for practitioners to use weighty statements, overly positive, negative, or otherwise judgmental language. SOAP notes are oftentimes used both as legal documents and in insurance claims.
  5. Apply appropriate details, such as straight quotes: For a more comprehensive document that includes all the salient facts of an encounter.

An effective Soap note is a useful reference point in a patient'due south health record, helping ameliorate patient satisfaction and quality of care.

three Smart Software Solutions

In this section, we've reviewed three of the heightpractice management software systems offering helpful SOAP note functions.

These include Lather note templates, bailiwick-specific codes, and treatment planning features that integrate with therapy progress notes.



My Clients Plus SOAP Notes MyClientsPlus is a mental health practice direction solution that runs on the web, Android, and Apple platforms.

With a loyal user base of operations and many e-therapy features for telehealth, MCP comes with SOAP note templates that can be easily shared in multi-provider organizations.

While it doesn't offer robust treatment planning features, MyClientsPlus does include sector-specific templates and native support for telehealth sessions.

Name MyClientsPlus
Toll $24.95+ monthly
Good For Mental Health Coaches, Psychologists, e-Counselors, Therapists, Customer Relationship Management



Quenza SOAP Notes Software

Designed past composite care practitioners, Quenza was developed as an all-in-one solution to address the about common online therapy challenges. Its features include powerful merely easy-to-apply custom class creation tools for creating Lather notes, equally well as BIRP notes, DAP notes, progress note templates, psychotherapy notes, and more than.

Beyond this, however, the app has much more valuable practitioner tools that streamline treatment planning with simple Pathways, create personalized interventions with pre-populated fields, and video therapy or coaching back up for interactive, engaging therapeutic materials.

Live results trackeing gives practitioners insight into real-fourth dimension client progress, and Quenza is fully HIPAA-compliant for secure storage of SOAP and psychotherapy notes.

Name Quenza
Price $ane+ monthly
Good For Mental Health Coaches, Psychologists, eastward-Counselors, Therapists, Client Engagement, Treatment Planning, Video Coaching



Clinicsource SOAP Notes e-Counselors, concrete therapists, spoken language therapists, and other practitioners creating SOAP notes volition likely detect value in ClinicSource Soap templates.

The software allows quick progress notes to be created, and these can so be centralized with a client's records, aslope their billing history and summaries from each visit.

Other features of this therapy notes software include Handling Progress templates, Patient Evaluation templates, and features for building Intendance or Treatment Plans.

Name ClinicSource
Price $59+ monthly
Good For Mental Health Coaches, Psychologists, e-Counselors, Therapists



Power Diary SOAP Notes Ability Diary has a sizable library of mental health forms that counselors, psychologists, and therapists can employ to create treatment plans.

Soap and other session notes can be imported, exported, cloned, or shared to reduce admin time and centralize client records into one handy contour.

Despite lacking some of the more than robust mental health capabilities, such as e-prescribing, it has a depression cost tag and is like shooting fish in a barrel for beginning-fourth dimension dispensary software users to navigate.

Name Ability Diary
Price $5+ monthly
Good For Speech Therapists, Psychologists, due east-Counselors, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Mental Wellness Coaches

Last Thoughts

With clear, consistent information on a patient's health condition and progress, therapists, psychiatrists, and counselors are much better equipped to manage their well-existence. And while annotation-taking may not be glamorous, harnessing the correct software can significantly reduce the fourth dimension you lot spend on this vital office of healthcare.

Soap notes play a pivotal role in streamlined, effective healthcare, and are a daily part of life for many practitioners. If you've tried and enjoyed using any detail templates, forms, or therapy notes solutions, let us know in a comment.

Nosotros hope this article has helped y'all streamline your note-taking. To put these tips into practice, don't forget to effort Quenza's Lather Notes tools for only $ane a month.

If you desire to heighten the wellbeing of your clients more effectively, Quenza will requite you lot everything you need to streamline your therapy notes, so you tin focus on delivering the wellness results that matter.


  1. ^ Podder, Five., Lew, V., & Ghassemzadeh, S. (2020). Lather Notes. StatPearls. Retrieved from https://world wide
  2. ^ Sando, K. R., Skoy, E., Bradley, C., Frenzel, J., Kirwin, J., & Urteaga, E. (2017). Assessment of SOAP note evaluation tools in colleges and schools of pharmacy. Currents in Pharmacy Pedagogy and Learning, 9(iv), 576.
  3. ^ Fusion Therapy. (2020). How To Write Therapy Lather Notes.. Retrieved from: https://web
  4. ^ WebABA. (2020). Elementary Guidelines for Writing Lather Notes. Retrieved from
  5. ^ Belden, J. L., Koopman, R. J., Patil, S. J., Lowrance, North. J., Petroski, G. F., & Smith, J. B. (2017). Dynamic electronic health tape note prototype: seeing more past showing less. The Journal of the American Board of Family unit Medicine, 30(half-dozen), 691.
  6. ^ Purdue University. (2020). Tips for Constructive Soap Notes. Retrieved from


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