
How To Put Dark Souls 3 Characters On New Computer

Y'all need to get to the %appdata% and manually re-create it to your USB or whatever.

Than on the machine you want to transfer, you need to make a new character, usue same proper noun (dunno if information technology matters). Load in and quit.

Important here, click on Load (the one that shows you all your characters) and than you alt tab.

Re-create your backed upward save from other PC and motility it into that salvage location overwriting that file, then load in.

Am I just copying the whole DS3 file from %appdata%?

Originally posted by jeharve:

Am I just copying the whole DS3 file from %appdata%?

Well yuou tin can only re-create the actual save file. Information technology should merely exist one. The of import part is you need an existing salve on new and to exist in the grapheme load selection screen, that is where you supercede that new save with your onetime one.

ok, so I did that, and information technology loaded ONE of my saves to my other device. Is there a fashion I tin can brand sure it loads all of them?

Originally posted by jeharve:

ok, so I did that, and it loaded One of my saves to my other device. Is in that location a style I can make sure information technology loads all of them?

I only have done this with one character. I now have more.

I guess you need to endeavor perhaps making all your characters with same names and than load. Let me know if this does anything.

make multiple new characters, withal many you had before, on the new pc.

Then load your old salve file into the folder after starting the game, but still on the main menu.

It's not working. I deleted all the the other characters I don't use anymore which brought me downward to 1. I re-did everything and it still loaded one of the characters I deleted...

Terminal edited by oogmaflab; xi Jan, 2017 @ vii:20pm

It should work, it is how I got all 3 (four) endings in ane play. So fill-in your original save on your older PC.

Then launch into that game and delete the characters you exercise not want. Then load into that characer and backout.

On new pc, make a new character and all that matters is the proper noun. Than load into and and so quit to main. Click on Load, alt tab, delete, re-create in, and then alt tab dorsum in to load.

Originally posted by MonthOLDpickle:

Information technology should work, it is how I got all three (four) endings in i play. So backup your original salve on your older PC.

Then launch into that game and delete the characters you practice not want. Then load into that characer and backout.

On new pc, brand a new grapheme and all that matters is the name. Than load into and then quit to main. Click on Load, alt tab, delete, re-create in, and and so alt tab back in to load.

nope, nevertheless not working. I have no idea what, if annihilation, I'm doing wrong...

the save file is the one that says "DS30000.sl2" right?

Originally posted by jeharve:

the save file is the one that says "DS30000.sl2" right?


Are you actually loading into the new grapheme before quiting?

Yep. I brand the character'southward name the aforementioned equally the i I normally play, and then load in without doing anything else like starting gift or anything

Than you lot quit to bill of fare. Don't hitting go along, but load. Than copy over the salvage over and load?

Hummm. If I was in that location I would endeavor myself. Every bit I am a random stranger don't recollect we should teamviewer do this either lol

Shouild I just try redownloading DS3 and see if I tin do it and then?

Originally posted past jeharve:

Shouild I just attempt redownloading DS3 and see if I can practice it so?

That isn't the issue.


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